Miracle Electronics’ Inductors are ideal for any application requiring high performance and are well suited for use in switch-mode power supplies. While Common mode chokes are most effective infiltering supply and return conductors with in-phase signals of equal amplitude, differential mode inductors are available for filtering out-of-phase or uneven amplitude signals.
Manufacturing Capability & Specification
- 48 to 5 AWG Magnetic Wire Winding
- Automatic Toroidal Hook & Shuttle Winding machines
- Automatic CNC Winding
- Linear, Foil & Square winding machines
- Lean Manufacturing Process
- Metal & Plastic Fabrication
- Poka-Yoke – Mistake Proofing
- Impregnation, Casting & Potting
- 3- D CAD Modelling
- Rapid Prototyping
- 3-D Printing
- EN 61558
- UL 506, UL1411, UL1446 & Mil Grade Materials
- J-STD-001
- MIL -PRF-27F
- 100% Quality Test