EMI/EMC Compliance In SMPS


Modern electronic gadgets require Switched Mode Power Supplies, which are known for their efficiency and small size. But, making sure such SMPS systems comply with electromagnetic interference (EMI) and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) regulations is a major challenge. Let’s learn about the methods and approaches required to create SMPS circuits that meet EMI/EMC requirements, and also provide dependable, effective operation.

Understanding EMI and EMC

EMI refers to the unwanted noise or interference that an electronic device emits or receives, interfering with other surrounding devices’ or the device’s own operation. EMI is basically of two types – conducted electromagnetic interference which moves through signal or power wires within the frequency range of 150 kHz to 30 MHz, and airborne/radiated electromagnetic interference which is radiated through the air and spans the frequency range between 30 MHz and several GHz. EMC, on the other hand, refers to a device’s ability to operate properly in its electromagnetic environment without creating unbearable disruptions.

Designing SMPS for EMI/EMC Compliance

Component selection

Selecting the appropriate parts is essential for EMI/EMC compliance. Interference may be greatly reduced by using low-EMI components and those having EMI suppression characteristics built right in. Choose MOSFETs and diodes that have quick recovery periods and little switching noise. Use high-quality inductors and capacitors with low equivalent series resistance (ESR) and equivalent series inductance (ESL) to reduce the amount of noise produced.

PCB layout

PCB layout is crucial to the performance of EMI/EMC. A well-designed PCB can reduce noise production and increase resistance to outside interference. To cut down on emitted EMI, minimize the loop regions of high-frequency switching lines, and use a continuous ground plane to give high-frequency currents a low-impedance return route. To protect delicate circuits from radiated EMI, use shielding techniques like guard traces and ground fillers; and to avoid noise coupling, route high-frequency traces away from low-speed digital or sensitive analogue traces.

Shielding and enclosing

In order to prevent external interference and limit emitted EMI, the SMPS should be properly enclosed and physically shielded. To effectively insulate against emitted electromagnetic interference, use metal enclosures. Make sure the enclosure is properly grounded to prevent the creation of additional paths for interference. Furthermore, to stop electromagnetic interference from entering or leaving the device through external connections, shield the cables and connectors too.

Snubber circuits

Snubber circuits are used to reduce oscillations and spikes in voltage that result from power semiconductor switching. To attenuate high-frequency oscillations and lower EMI emissions, use RC snubber circuits across switching devices, while in order to clamp voltage spikes and shield the switching transistor in flyback converters, you are to use diode snubbers.


Reducing transmitted EMI requires effective filtering. Several SMPS circuit stages can be used with filters.

  • Input Filtering: To remove EMI at the input stage, use X/Y capacitors and common-mode chokes. The filter needs to be made to reduce noise in the 150 kHz to 30 MHz EMI frequency range.
  • Output Filtering: Use LC filters to reduce high-frequency noise and stop it from passing through the output wires.
  • Decoupling Capacitors: To reduce high-frequency noise and stabilize the power supply voltage, use decoupling capacitors in close proximity to the power pins of integrated circuits.

Control loop design

The performance of SMPSs can be impacted by the control loop design. For instance, when the control loop has sufficient phase margin, oscillations can be avoided, and high-frequency noise can be lowered. Designing compensation networks carefully can help optimize loop stability and minimize EMI.

Spread spectrum techniques

By varying the SMPS’s switching frequency, spread spectrum methods disperse noise emissions across a larger frequency range and lower peak EMI levels. Use frequency modulation in the controller integrated circuit to gradually change the switching frequency. This will disperse EMI energy across a larger range and lessen the possibility of interference at any particular frequency.

Common-mode and differential noise mitigation

In SMPS designs, differential and common-mode disturbances are the main causes of EMI. It is thus essential to use common mode chokes to reduce common-mode noise on power lines and signal cables, and differential filters to reduce the noise caused by differential modes between power lines.

Appropriate grounding methods

Grounding is essential for maintaining EMC and limiting EMI emissions. Use single-point grounding to prevent ground loops, which can emit electromagnetic interference by acting as antennas. And, by using star grounding, you may lower the possibility of ground loops by creating a central ground point.

Testing and validation

Ensuring EMI/EMC compliance requires extensive testing and validation. Pre-compliance testing with EMI receivers and spectrum analyzers can help identify and address potential EMI issues early in the design process, while final compliance testing can ensure that the SMPS meets all the relevant EMI/EMC standards.

The complex challenge of designing SMPS circuits for EMI/EMC compliance calls for a solid grasp of electromagnetic concepts and close attention to design details. Designers may make considerable improvements in EMI/EMC performance by using sophisticated control techniques, optimizing PCB layout, integrating efficient filtering and shielding, and choosing the right components. Collaborating with experienced manufacturers like Miracle Electronics, a leading SMPS transformer manufacturer in India, can provide access to high-quality components and expert insights. Continuous testing and validation are crucial too, in order to guarantee adherence to global standards and provide SMPS designs that are dependable, effective, and ready for the market. By following these guidelines, engineers may increase the efficiency and dependability of SMPS, paving the way for the creation of more durable and energy-efficient electronic systems for a wide range of applications.

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