There are a number of PCB manufacturers out there, each providing their own unique services, and boasting about their benefits. To choose from that list, it is important that you know what a PCB manufacturer is, what he does, and what he is responsible for. This knowledge will help you differentiate between the good and ineffective ones, so that you can make the best decision for your particular PCB requirements.
With the whole long list of PCB manufacturers available, you will find all sorts of big and small sized manufacturing companies. Some may focus only on prototypes, while others may do only production runs. Some may provide only standard PCB products, while others may offer customization. Some may offer only PCBs, while others may offer many other inclusions. So, from all of these various types of PCB manufacturers, you should be able to choose the best and the most suitable one for your requirements.
Prototype and production – two in one
There are manufacturers who provide both prototypes and production runs, while others offer only one type of services. If you choose two different manufacturers for prototypes and production runs, it will only add up an additional amount in the tooling and startup charges. On the other hand, if you choose a PCB assembly manufacturer from Germany that offers both prototypes and production runs, you won’t have to pay tooling charges twice; thus saving you on a good amount of money. Furthermore, with a single point of contact, there is no transition from the prototype to production, and thus lesser possibilities of misunderstandings, errors, and time wastage.
Volume considerations
Some PCB manufacturers have small facilities and thus, small capacities. They produce only small quantities of PCB products. Then, there are others who only produce large quantities. Both these PCB manufacturing types may not be helpful. It is natural that if you are a small company requiring a minimal amount of PCB products, you may want to approach a small volume manufacturer; and if you want to have a large stock of products, you will want to approach a large volume manufacturer. But, it is still always better to search for a PCB assembly manufacturer from India who serves purposes of both small and big volumes. This is because any changes in the future regarding the number of products you want to produce can become convenient. You may have a small requirement now, but a big production order may arise in the future. Similarly, you may be a big production company now, but may require a smaller order in the future, depending upon your circumstances. In such cases, it is better to have a manufacturer who can handle both kinds of volumes, rather than rushing to another manufacturer to satisfy your required current conditions.
Miracle Electronics is one reliable and professional PCB assembly manufacturer from Germany, whose facilities are equipped with both surface mount technology and plated through holes lines, dedicated for both prototyping and production runs. Also, Miracle Electronics has the capabilities o successfully execute projects of all kinds – high-mix, low, medium, and high volume. So, whenever it is PCB manufacturing you are looking for, remember, Miracle Electronics is the name.